The Covid-19 threat is serious.

The Forest's primary concern is everyone's health and safety.

The Forest is doing everything to protect our clients and community.

  1. Our building is disinfected daily. Every morning and evening we spray a Center for Disease Control (CDC) approved medical disinfectant starting at the entrance path to the front door of the building. All surfaces are cleaned and disinfected daily from the door knobs to countertops and furniture.
  2. We are limiting access to no more than 6 individuals in our 1,000 sq foot facility for the entire day. This will allow one person occupancy per office space and accommodates social distancing and isolation. All spaces except The Retreat have doors that close to assure your protection.
  3. All clients will be screened via phone for flu like symptoms, travel history, cruise ship trips, and whether they have come in contact with someone ill or who may have tested positive for the Corona virus.
  4. The Forest will provide hand sanitizer to use while in the facility and clients will wear a mask while using the facility if recommended, as well as having their temperature taken before they enter the work space.
  5. We follow all the requirements and recommendations of government agencies such as CDC, state and local recommendations to control the spread of the Corona virus.
  6. Special disinfectants with CDC and Environmental Protection Agency approval are used in all areas and surfaces daily.
  7. The interior of the facility and each private office space is in addition disinfected with the assistance of special air handling and environmental disinfecting equipment. HEPPA air purifiers during working hours and UVC light sources at night.

We welcome any and all questions you may have and hope you will feel safe working in The Forest.

Be safe,
Mireya Ortega - Owner
Please call 530-494-9211 if you have any questions.